I am already in heaven. This heaven is better than the place before. This place is so peaceful, loving and no one ever fights. It’s perfect and beautiful. I can manifest things out of thin air. I can live like a celebrity in my own home; eat hot dogs for the rest of my life and not get fat. I never get sick or have to go to the doctor. Everything is there when I need it.
What if I told you, this is heaven. I can see all of the reactions in my head. Why the fuck are you reacting, I just said this is heaven.
The exact reason you do this is that you don’t believe it.
Now, I will release my judgment. If you scoff, don’t scoff. If you react, don’t react. It’s only as real as you want it to be.
You see, belief is a powerful thing. It is your equation. It is your infinity. You can do anything if you believe. Telekinesis is possible, aura site is possible, making coins appear out of thin air. It is all possible. The dreams and beliefs that you wish to have can and will be adopted. Many people in your heaven have already done a lot of the things for you. They are your base inspiration to reach what you want. They are there as an infinite resource. There is also Google. You can Google whatever you want, and it appears. That includes inspiration. Think of Google as an endless portal dimension or a heavenly gate.
I have uncovered that if you want something, you have to believe. What’s the best way for you to believe? Immersion, immersion is the best way. As you train yourself, it then falls into place. Train your beliefs about yourself and how you should think of others to match your beliefs. Adopt all that is and make it real to the point of reality.
This is bigger than “fake it till you make it.” This is you reprogramming every belief (will do a different article on this) that makes you not believe in your heaven. You know when you can see your ideas come to fruition when nothing looks the same anymore. It really won’t. You will see the unlimited in all and release yourself from the entrapments of the illusion. You’ll start to see the illusion as a canvas. Physicality will be nothing more than alchemy. Where is your paintbrush?
You know, you are the creator of your reality. Do you want to believe that this is heaven? Then have heavenly thoughts. Watch heaven media, go to celestial concerts, live a life like heaven, till you believe you’re there.
The beliefs may seem hard at first, but not for long, especially after waking up from sleep. That’s because when you believe it, it just naturally becomes you and reveals itself so much that there is no way you would ever question it again; things will happen, and it will go beyond synchronicities; it will turn into reality because there is so much security. That’s when you start to see past the illusion. You will see past the limits. You will have officially transformed because you believed in heaven. Whether your heaven is an astral projecting phenonmna dimension, a celebrity phenomena dimension or even an inventor phenomena dimension. It doesn’t matter because you have transformed to that belief. You have transmuted all your beliefs to match that goal, and now, you are in heaven.
Now, believe in your heaven and apply that to all life.